reconnect with our


agriculture, ancient handicrafts and music

vision and territory

The territory that is hosting us is located in the sacred land of the Etruscan ancestors, surrounded by rivers, waterfalls and caves.

research + handicrafts

We wish to get to know the land and what it’s offering. That’s why we’re exploring permaculture, medicine plants but also ancient handicrafts like spinning, weaving, sewing, ceramics and woodwork.


Up next: 9-day Gathering and Equinox Celebration – 12. – 21.03., Ischia di Castro (VT)


We're happy about helping hands. If you feel like supporting us, there are different ways to do so.



we’re a collective of four (Felipe, Matteo, Aurelia and Gwendolin) that has bought a piece of land in central Italy and we share the vision to reconnect with our origins and free territory. 


Whether you’re curious about our project, want to support us or just get in touch, we’re happy to hear from you.